SEOMA > Science > General
Labscape is a sole-source supplier of industrial wood, plastic laminate, and metal casework. This USA-based firm provides lab furniture and accessories to school science laboratories, r&d laboratories, and forensic labs.
Postal Code Map Suite
A location intelligence solutions can be tailored to the demands of large organizations. It combines technology with geographic coordinates to deliver solutions to business obstacles.
Domestic Electricity Prices
Provides information for domestic and business users to find the best electricity suppliers for their electric and gas energy requirements. Lists the latest offers and deals to reduce consumption and bills.
Pharma TV
Groundbreaking online TV channel for the biopharma industry, offering insights and feature interviews with industry leaders every week.
Radman Associates
An established firm of Radiation Safety Training advisors in the UK, providing IRR99 compliant RPA service contracts and RPS training to all sectors of industry, research and education.
All Forensic Science
A large directory of forensic resources, service providers, training, web sites and suppliers covering all areas of forensic science. Features include article submission, add a URL and newsletter subscription.
The Microscope Site
Information guide to selecting and buying a compound light microscope, dissection microscope ordigital microscope for biology, geology, industry and science labs.
Poster King Science Posters